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      09-18-2008, 05:14 PM   #12

Drives: Chevy Aveo
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Parent's Basement

iTrader: (7)

question of the day: which conference is better this year? AFC or NFC? discuss

IMHO, i think the NFC is finally back on top simply because some of the previous AFC leaders are struggling...san diego, cincy, colts, jags, and the jury is still out on the patriots (i say this because we matt cassell is still an unknown.) i still don't really know what to say about pittsburgh, i haven't exactly seen awesomeness from them yet. dare i say that denver is the top team in the AFC? cutler is going off!

NFC, on the other hand, is looking pretty stout. NFC east is like the SEC of the NFL. it's going to be a tight race between the cowboys, eagles, and giants. cowboys will prevail of course arizona is looking good, so is green bay, the saints faultered but i think they'll bounce back and have an 8-10 win season, panthers are 2-0, and the vikings can be a great team if they only had a qb (adrian peterson is a BEAST!) it just seems to me as if the balance of power has definitely shifted to the NFC.
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