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      11-02-2020, 04:35 PM   #1
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DIY – Removing S843A Power Reduction using E-sys

In this DIY, I describe how to remove option S843A using E-sys for Fxx-cars.

  • Laptop with E-sys 3.27.1 (preferred for VO-coding), for flashing also 3.30+ can be used.
  • Psdzdata (full), preferably close to your current i-Step level.
  • ENET-cable
  • Recommended: 13.8V power supply (min. 30A)

If you are reading this, then probably you’ve found out that your car has S843A “Leistungsreduzierung” (Power Reduction) and it makes less power than you might originally thought it would. You find this option in countries where cars are limited in power and therefore in CO2-emission due to applicable tax-law. As an example the N20 320i with standard 135kW (184bhp) is reduced to 120kW (163bhp). In daily life, you don’t notice this so much, only in the higher RPMs(>4.5k) you feel that the engine is flat and something is limiting the torque. More than you would expect from a turbocharged engine. Of course you can have your engine remapped by a dedicated tuner, which also removes this limits + a lot more. Luckily there is cheaper alternative by using E-sys to remove this option and therefore releasing the full ‘OEM’ potential of the engine.

If you google how remove this, the clearest procedure is this:

Open NCS-Expert tool and modify your FA/VO list.
Delete code $843 - S843A MOTORAUSLEGUNG and write new FA/VO list to CAS and LMA, next code whole car.
After that go to ISTA-P and program DDE with the new software.
Well first, it uses NCS-Expert and ISTA-P, which makes me assume, it is more for the Exx-generation. Second, it is not clear to me at all, call me a dummy, but no idea what to do. This real info is out there, but scattered, now it is concentrated.

As always, this entire procedure is fully on your own risk!

Step 1 (VO-coding)
This part is mainly copy-paste from the general VO-coding guide.

a. Open E-sys, since you won’t be doing any FDL-coding, you don’t need a launcher.
b. Connect to car (don’t select the _DIRECT option). Make sure your car has ignition ‘on’ (but doesn’t need to run though).
c. Open Expert Mode; Coding Tab; Read Vehicle Order (FA), then save the file. Preferably, make two copies, one will be the backup, other one the new working file.
d. Expand the FA tree, until you get to SALAPA-element
e. Right-Click on SALAPA-element and click the Edit option.
f. Now find and just remove ‘843’ in the box below and press apply changes when done (square button).

g. Go back to the FA-tree, right-click on FA, then select calculate FP.
h. Press the diskette button at the top of the screen to save your changes to the file on your desktop.
i. Under Expert Coding, select VCM … Then open the newly saved file in the Vehicle Order section (bottom part).
j. Once the file is loaded, under the Vehicle Order section (now top part), right-click FA and select calculate FP.
k. Once FP is calculated, press the master tab at the bottom of the screen, and select the Write FA & FP button. Look at the very bottom of the screen for confirmation of FA & FP written.

Hurray, step 1 is completed, do you have more horsepower now? Not yet, but we are on our way. We need to apply the changes to the module.

Step 2 (Code DME)
In this step (still part of general VO-coding), we apply the FA changes to modules. Since option S843A only applies to the DME (ECU), only this module needs to be coded with the new FA. Note for this step, it is already important to have the right psdzdata that has the CAFD files of the DME, else coding fails (but don’t worry this is not the risky step yet, that’s step 3). If you don’t have it, then you’ll get an error about a missing CAFD.

a. Go to expert Mode; Coding, then press Read ECU under the SVT section.
b. Find the applicable ECU(s), in our case, ‘DME’ (or ‘DME2’) that need to be VO_Coded, and right-click on that ECU (the folder!) and click “Code”

Step 2 done, going to burn some rubber? No, still not, from some reason, this is still not enough, and to be honest, I don’t even know if step 2 is even required, since we need to program the complete DME software in step 3.

Step 3 (Program DME)
These steps are from the brilliant Upgrading ECU’s on BMW F11 520d guide. This is the most critical step, make sure to plugin the driver seatbelt restraint (to prevent sleep) and hook the car up to the stable (and high AMP) 13.8V power supply (using terminals under the hood). If your battery is fresh and topped-up, you could do try without, since this step maybe only takes 2 mins. Although, you really don’t want to mess up your DME… better safe than sorry.

a. Close E-sys and reopen it to start fresh and follow the steps of the guide. I’m not going to repeat them here, since the guide is pretty straightforward. I will just mark some points of attention below.

Note 1:
So first the psdzdata itself, while you can work with the latest psdzdata, by doing so it probably means that you need to update several modules, due to dependencies. Best for this procedure is a psdzdata level that is close to your current i-step level. In this way, you only have to update the DME and not any other modules. Note that from a certain pzdzdata level (I believe 4.17), you cannot use E-sys 3.27.1 anymore, but you have to switch to 3.30.1 (or higher).

Note 2:
In step 15, I noticed that if you use E-sys 3.27.1, you see all options and you have to select blFlash, swDeploy, cdDeploy, and ibaDeploy. If you use 3.30+, some of the options disappear when loading the TAL if they are not applicable. Although I flashed with 3.27.1, this ‘disappearance’ should be fine (even if blFlash and ibaDeploy are not there). This also depends on your current i-step level probably.

Note 3:
Also in step 15, make sure you only select the DME, since that is the one that requires new programming to make the 843 removal final. If you have used a newer psdzdata level for which the DME has dependendies with, you need to flash modules those as well. In my case, I did not need to do this.

Note 4
If you get some kind of error after pressing ‘start’, make sure the radio button in step 13 is enabled for ‘read VIN out of FA’. Also if you get some confusing pop-up window with some information about i-step level etc., you can just proceed without changing anything.
Let the flashing do its magic, for me it took only 2~3min, which a bunch of errors on the car’s dashboard while flashing (that’s absolutely normal). This will disappear afterwards.

Finally, we are there, you have successfully freed the engine from this hideous ‘choke’, enjoy! You will definitely notice the difference when doing a pull.
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      11-02-2020, 04:37 PM   #2
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      11-05-2020, 04:27 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jimmert View Post

i have a 2015 65plate LCi 320d efficiency dynamic 163bhp ive had a look and cannot see the 843 file to delete it isn't there ?

any ideas??[IMG]undefined[/IMG]
Attached Images
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      11-05-2020, 06:05 PM   #4
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Sorry, I can’t read the screenshot, it’s too low in quality. What do you mean with 843 file? You mean you can’t find 843 in the SALAPA element? If it’s not there, you don’t have it. Maybe it has been removed in the past or it was never there in the first place. The Efficient Dynamics series might be different in that aspect. Is it in the option list when you search on your VIN number?
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      11-06-2020, 03:58 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jimmert View Post
Sorry, I can't read the screenshot, it's too low in quality. What do you mean with 843 file? You mean you can't find 843 in the SALAPA element? If it's not there, you don't have it. Maybe it has been removed in the past or it was never there in the first place. The Efficient Dynamics series might be different in that aspect. Is it in the option list when you search on your VIN number?
Hi just checked my option list with vin no its not on there.
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      11-06-2020, 08:46 AM   #6
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That answers the question then. Probably for an Efficient Dynamics it is not as ‘easy’ as removing a simple option. I guess the only way is a dedicated engine tune for the ED, but please correct me if I’m wrong. My car wíth this option is not an ED model.
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      11-06-2020, 09:24 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jimmert View Post
That answers the question then. Probably for an Efficient Dynamics it is not as ‘easy’ as removing a simple option. I guess the only way is a dedicated engine tune for the ED, but please correct me if I’m wrong. My car wíth this option is not an ED model.
ok thanks for your help
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      02-14-2021, 11:08 PM   #8

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Originally Posted by Jimmert View Post
In this DIY, I describe how to remove option S843A using E-sys for Fxx-cars.

  • Laptop with E-sys 3.27.1 (preferred for VO-coding), for flashing also 3.30+ can be used.
  • Psdzdata (full), preferably close to your current i-Step level.
  • ENET-cable
  • Recommended: 13.8V power supply (min. 30A)

If you are reading this, then probably you've found out that your car has S843A "Leistungsreduzierung" (Power Reduction) and it makes less power than you might originally thought it would. You find this option in countries where cars are limited in power and therefore in CO2-emission due to applicable tax-law. As an example the N20 320i with standard 135kW (184bhp) is reduced to 120kW (163bhp). In daily life, you don't notice this so much, only in the higher RPMs(>4.5k) you feel that the engine is flat and something is limiting the torque. More than you would expect from a turbocharged engine. Of course you can have your engine remapped by a dedicated tuner, which also removes this limits + a lot more. Luckily there is cheaper alternative by using E-sys to remove this option and therefore releasing the full 'OEM' potential of the engine.

If you google how remove this, the clearest procedure is this:

Open NCS-Expert tool and modify your FA/VO list.
Delete code $843 - S843A MOTORAUSLEGUNG and write new FA/VO list to CAS and LMA, next code whole car.
After that go to ISTA-P and program DDE with the new software.
Well first, it uses NCS-Expert and ISTA-P, which makes me assume, it is more for the Exx-generation. Second, it is not clear to me at all, call me a dummy, but no idea what to do. This real info is out there, but scattered, now it is concentrated.

[COLOR="Red"]As always, this entire procedure is fully on your own risk![/COLOR]

Step 1 (VO-coding)
This part is mainly copy-paste from the general VO-coding guide.

a. Open E-sys, since you won't be doing any FDL-coding, you don't need a launcher.
b. Connect to car (don't select the _DIRECT option). Make sure your car has ignition 'on' (but doesn't need to run though).
c. Open Expert Mode; Coding Tab; Read Vehicle Order (FA), then save the file. Preferably, make two copies, one will be the backup, other one the new working file.
d. Expand the FA tree, until you get to SALAPA-element
e. Right-Click on SALAPA-element and click the Edit option.
f. Now find and just remove '843' in the box below and press apply changes when done (square button).
g. Go back to the FA-tree, right-click on FA, then select calculate FP.
h. Press the diskette button at the top of the screen to save your changes to the file on your desktop.
i. Under Expert Coding, select VCM … Then open the newly saved file in the Vehicle Order section (bottom part).
j. Once the file is loaded, under the Vehicle Order section (now top part), right-click FA and select calculate FP.
k. Once FP is calculated, press the master tab at the bottom of the screen, and select the Write FA & FP button. Look at the very bottom of the screen for confirmation of FA & FP written.

Hurray, step 1 is completed, do you have more horsepower now? Not yet, but we are on our way. We need to apply the changes to the module.

Step 2 (Code DME)
In this step (still part of general VO-coding), we apply the FA changes to modules. Since option S843A only applies to the DME (ECU), only this module needs to be coded with the new FA. Note for this step, it is already important to have the right psdzdata that has the CAFD files of the DME, else coding fails (but don't worry this is not the risky step yet, that's step 3). If you don't have it, then you'll get an error about a missing CAFD.

a. Go to expert Mode; Coding, then press Read ECU under the SVT section.
b. Find the applicable ECU(s), in our case, 'DME' (or 'DME2') that need to be VO_Coded, and right-click on that ECU (the folder!) and click "Code"

Step 2 done, going to burn some rubber? No, still not, from some reason, this is still not enough, and to be honest, I don't even know if step 2 is even required, since we need to program the complete DME software in step 3.

Step 3 (Program DME)
These steps are from the brilliant Upgrading ECU's on BMW F11 520d guide. This is the most critical step, make sure to plugin the driver seatbelt restraint (to prevent sleep) and hook the car up to the stable (and high AMP) 13.8V power supply (using terminals under the hood). If your battery is fresh and topped-up, you could do try without, since this step maybe only takes 2 mins. Although, you really don't want to mess up your DME… better safe than sorry.

a. Close E-sys and reopen it to start fresh and follow the steps of the guide. I'm not going to repeat them here, since the guide is pretty straightforward. I will just mark some points of attention below.

Note 1:
So first the psdzdata itself, while you can work with the latest psdzdata, by doing so it probably means that you need to update several modules, due to dependencies. Best for this procedure is a psdzdata level that is close to your current i-step level. In this way, you only have to update the DME and not any other modules. Note that from a certain pzdzdata level (I believe 4.17), you cannot use E-sys 3.27.1 anymore, but you have to switch to 3.30.1 (or higher).

Note 2:
In step 15, I noticed that if you use E-sys 3.27.1, you see all options and you have to select blFlash, swDeploy, cdDeploy, and ibaDeploy. If you use 3.30+, some of the options disappear when loading the TAL if they are not applicable. Although I flashed with 3.27.1, this 'disappearance' should be fine (even if blFlash and ibaDeploy are not there). This also depends on your current i-step level probably.

Note 3:
Also in step 15, make sure you only select the DME, since that is the one that requires new programming to make the 843 removal final. If you have used a newer psdzdata level for which the DME has dependendies with, you need to flash modules those as well. In my case, I did not need to do this.

Note 4
If you get some kind of error after pressing 'start', make sure the radio button in step 13 is enabled for 'read VIN out of FA'. Also if you get some confusing pop-up window with some information about i-step level etc., you can just proceed without changing anything.
Let the flashing do its magic, for me it took only 2~3min, which a bunch of errors on the car's dashboard while flashing (that's absolutely normal). This will disappear afterwards.

Finally, we are there, you have successfully freed the engine from this hideous 'choke', enjoy! You will definitely notice the difference when doing a pull.
First of all, thanks for the detailed info, I'm thinking about doing this, but first i have some doubt... let's assume, that's something went wrong coding the DME, can i restore some backup? The process seems to be simple but the thing is, how can i know the correct psdzdata for my car, and if the psdzdata causes the requirement to code another modules, how can i code the things back to the same state until i have the correct version of psdzdata?
Another question is, i live in the city and i dont have a change to connect a battery charger to the car, is it possible to do this with the engine running?
Best regards
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      02-15-2021, 12:46 PM   #9
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As long as your BTLD gets through, you can always recover.
If that gets messed up, you’re in deep trouble.
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      02-15-2021, 02:27 PM   #10

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Originally Posted by Ibo24 View Post
As long as your BTLD gets through, you can always recover.
If that gets messed up, you’re in deep trouble.
Hummm i gotta study... my big doubt is how i know the correct version of pdzdata to use with my car..
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      02-15-2021, 04:20 PM   #11
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Start by determining your current i-Step level. In principle, you can flash any version of psdzdata, for example the latest version, but that means you probably you need to flash more modules (due to dependencies). If you feel comfortable you can do that, if not, choose the psdzdata of your current istep level (or close to it), then you only have to flash the DME as in my example.

If you follow the above steps, you will see if there are dependencies at some stage.
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      02-15-2021, 08:48 PM   #12

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Originally Posted by Jimmert View Post
Start by determining your current i-Step level. In principle, you can flash any version of psdzdata, for example the latest version, but that means you probably you need to flash more modules (due to dependencies). If you feel comfortable you can do that, if not, choose the psdzdata of your current istep level (or close to it), then you only have to flash the DME as in my example.

If you follow the above steps, you will see if there are dependencies at some stage.
Alright, i really feel more comfortable to choose the same i-step and just code one module.. btw, my car is an f36 418d 2015, how much hp do you think i will gain? Here in Europe, the information that we have is the the 418d and 420d have exactly the same configurations, but 418d has electronic limitation that make less CO2 emission and taxes are lower because of that, does this mean if i disable 843 i have the same hp than 420d?
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      02-16-2021, 02:11 AM   #13
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It will only work if you have the S843A option, doing this will not change a 418d into a 420d (just because they have the same engine). For that you need a dedicated tune.

From what I read, the 418d with 843 has only 100kW (136bhp) and without you go to 105kW (143bhp) or 110kW (150) for later versions. So the gain is less than in my example and less than a 420d.

Regarding backups, I don’t know how to make a backup before flashing, don’t think that even possible. But you can always flash the istep level back I suppose. In the end, if you follow all the steps and flash the right version, it should go alright.
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      02-16-2021, 05:35 AM   #14

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Originally Posted by Jimmert View Post
It will only work if you have the S843A option, doing this will not change a 418d into a 420d (just because they have the same engine). For that you need a dedicated tune.

From what I read, the 418d with 843 has only 100kW (136bhp) and without you go to 105kW (143bhp) or 110kW (150) for later versions. So the gain is less than in my example and less than a 420d.

Regarding backups, I don't know how to make a backup before flashing, don't think that even possible. But you can always flash the istep level back I suppose. In the end, if you follow all the steps and flash the right version, it should go alright.
About the S843A, i have that option active, that's why I'm looking to do this, but i thought the gain was more... so what you are saying is that BMW sell the car supposedly with 150hp and with this protection have 136hp? Because my car should has 150hp (catalog). The thing is, to add about 10hp, is it worth the risk? Because 10hp i think that i will not feel on the road, maybe a remap could be my solution with less risk... what you think? Usually i do the coding with my engine running, but to flash i cannot do that, so first i have to find somewhere to park and connect a battery charger
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      02-19-2021, 02:59 AM   #15
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A tune would be more likely better.
But keep in mind, a tune costs money. This, doesn’t. (Atleast if you do it yourself!)

Last edited by Ibo24; 02-19-2021 at 02:51 PM..
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      01-21-2023, 02:44 PM   #16
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I wonder if could you offer remote assistance on this matter? I am newbie and I wouldnt feel comfortable performing the steps myself.

Best Regards,

Originally Posted by Jimmert View Post
In this DIY, I describe how to remove option S843A using E-sys for Fxx-cars.

  • Laptop with E-sys 3.27.1 (preferred for VO-coding), for flashing also 3.30+ can be used.
  • Psdzdata (full), preferably close to your current i-Step level.
  • ENET-cable
  • Recommended: 13.8V power supply (min. 30A)

If you are reading this, then probably you’ve found out that your car has S843A “Leistungsreduzierung” (Power Reduction) and it makes less power than you might originally thought it would. You find this option in countries where cars are limited in power and therefore in CO2-emission due to applicable tax-law. As an example the N20 320i with standard 135kW (184bhp) is reduced to 120kW (163bhp). In daily life, you don’t notice this so much, only in the higher RPMs(>4.5k) you feel that the engine is flat and something is limiting the torque. More than you would expect from a turbocharged engine. Of course you can have your engine remapped by a dedicated tuner, which also removes this limits + a lot more. Luckily there is cheaper alternative by using E-sys to remove this option and therefore releasing the full ‘OEM’ potential of the engine.

If you google how remove this, the clearest procedure is this:

Well first, it uses NCS-Expert and ISTA-P, which makes me assume, it is more for the Exx-generation. Second, it is not clear to me at all, call me a dummy, but no idea what to do. This real info is out there, but scattered, now it is concentrated.

As always, this entire procedure is fully on your own risk!

Step 1 (VO-coding)
This part is mainly copy-paste from the general VO-coding guide.

a. Open E-sys, since you won’t be doing any FDL-coding, you don’t need a launcher.
b. Connect to car (don’t select the _DIRECT option). Make sure your car has ignition ‘on’ (but doesn’t need to run though).
c. Open Expert Mode; Coding Tab; Read Vehicle Order (FA), then save the file. Preferably, make two copies, one will be the backup, other one the new working file.
d. Expand the FA tree, until you get to SALAPA-element
e. Right-Click on SALAPA-element and click the Edit option.
f. Now find and just remove ‘843’ in the box below and press apply changes when done (square button).

g. Go back to the FA-tree, right-click on FA, then select calculate FP.
h. Press the diskette button at the top of the screen to save your changes to the file on your desktop.
i. Under Expert Coding, select VCM … Then open the newly saved file in the Vehicle Order section (bottom part).
j. Once the file is loaded, under the Vehicle Order section (now top part), right-click FA and select calculate FP.
k. Once FP is calculated, press the master tab at the bottom of the screen, and select the Write FA & FP button. Look at the very bottom of the screen for confirmation of FA & FP written.

Hurray, step 1 is completed, do you have more horsepower now? Not yet, but we are on our way. We need to apply the changes to the module.

Step 2 (Code DME)
In this step (still part of general VO-coding), we apply the FA changes to modules. Since option S843A only applies to the DME (ECU), only this module needs to be coded with the new FA. Note for this step, it is already important to have the right psdzdata that has the CAFD files of the DME, else coding fails (but don’t worry this is not the risky step yet, that’s step 3). If you don’t have it, then you’ll get an error about a missing CAFD.

a. Go to expert Mode; Coding, then press Read ECU under the SVT section.
b. Find the applicable ECU(s), in our case, ‘DME’ (or ‘DME2’) that need to be VO_Coded, and right-click on that ECU (the folder!) and click “Code”

Step 2 done, going to burn some rubber? No, still not, from some reason, this is still not enough, and to be honest, I don’t even know if step 2 is even required, since we need to program the complete DME software in step 3.

Step 3 (Program DME)
These steps are from the brilliant Upgrading ECU’s on BMW F11 520d guide. This is the most critical step, make sure to plugin the driver seatbelt restraint (to prevent sleep) and hook the car up to the stable (and high AMP) 13.8V power supply (using terminals under the hood). If your battery is fresh and topped-up, you could do try without, since this step maybe only takes 2 mins. Although, you really don’t want to mess up your DME… better safe than sorry.

a. Close E-sys and reopen it to start fresh and follow the steps of the guide. I’m not going to repeat them here, since the guide is pretty straightforward. I will just mark some points of attention below.

Note 1:
So first the psdzdata itself, while you can work with the latest psdzdata, by doing so it probably means that you need to update several modules, due to dependencies. Best for this procedure is a psdzdata level that is close to your current i-step level. In this way, you only have to update the DME and not any other modules. Note that from a certain pzdzdata level (I believe 4.17), you cannot use E-sys 3.27.1 anymore, but you have to switch to 3.30.1 (or higher).

Note 2:
In step 15, I noticed that if you use E-sys 3.27.1, you see all options and you have to select blFlash, swDeploy, cdDeploy, and ibaDeploy. If you use 3.30+, some of the options disappear when loading the TAL if they are not applicable. Although I flashed with 3.27.1, this ‘disappearance’ should be fine (even if blFlash and ibaDeploy are not there). This also depends on your current i-step level probably.

Note 3:
Also in step 15, make sure you only select the DME, since that is the one that requires new programming to make the 843 removal final. If you have used a newer psdzdata level for which the DME has dependendies with, you need to flash modules those as well. In my case, I did not need to do this.

Note 4
If you get some kind of error after pressing ‘start’, make sure the radio button in step 13 is enabled for ‘read VIN out of FA’. Also if you get some confusing pop-up window with some information about i-step level etc., you can just proceed without changing anything.
Let the flashing do its magic, for me it took only 2~3min, which a bunch of errors on the car’s dashboard while flashing (that’s absolutely normal). This will disappear afterwards.

Finally, we are there, you have successfully freed the engine from this hideous ‘choke’, enjoy! You will definitely notice the difference when doing a pull.
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      01-22-2023, 10:11 AM   #17

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I can help you remotely using enet cable only
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      03-02-2023, 06:11 AM   #18
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I have F25 LCI with 150BHP.
I have S843A power reduction.
What is the expected power output after I try to remove this reduction?

Thank you.
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      03-02-2023, 09:21 AM   #19

Drives: bmw
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Workshop

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It depends on your engine, but usually around 20-30 Hp increase. Unless go to dyno it hard to know the exact amount.
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      03-02-2023, 02:52 PM   #20
New Member

Drives: BMW F25
Join Date: Feb 2023
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I do not get this.
This is the same engine as is in 320d or other cars with 190 BHP.
Why does it not raise to original factory 190BHP?
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      03-03-2023, 12:44 AM   #21

Drives: bmw
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Workshop

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Read the first post. It explains why the engines are detuned.
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      03-03-2023, 05:01 AM   #22
United Kingdom

Drives: 320D (2015)
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: UK (Hampshire)

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I've got a 320D EfficientDynamics which as far as I know has the same engine, turbo, injectors etc as a standard 320D but it's just de-tuned from 184bhp to 161bhp. My FA doesn't have 843 in it so I assume power restriction is handled in a different way on these?

Anyone know if there is any other way to remove it on a 320D ED or if a remap is the only way? Given that there's no 843 I reckon a remap is the only option, but just curious.
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